May 112016
Forgotten by Canadian Author Louise Boulter

Forgotten by Louise Boulter by Louise Boulter My rating: 5 of 5 stars A very powerful account of what life could be like living on the streets. With characters I found I could easily bond with and feel for, I was intrigued by T’s story from beginning to end. Waking up in an Albertan hospital, […]

Apr 132016
Heart Dancing: A Story Alchemy Adventure

This story is a great example of how perspective alone changes where we are. Savanna, a young teenager, has her world turned upside down with a situation that doesn’t directly have anything to do with her but alters her feeling of security. The separation of parents always shakes life up and children often feel responsible, […]

Apr 012016

After much consideration and not being able to find time to write I am switching my passion to music. I used to play trumpet and shy away from singing but recently discovered my son and I make the perfect duet. I signed up for singing lessons and they want to know what songs to focus […]

Mar 112016

If I hear of a contest I’m eligible for I enter it, especially if the prize consists of books so when I heard of Imajin Book’s contest celebrating their Canadian success and authors I had to enter. A few days later I found out that I won the ebook by Kristina Stanley, Decent (A Stone […]

Jan 172016

Everyone needs to start over at some point in their life, some do so unwillingly and others with commitment. Jamie, the main human character in Touch of Gold, balanced both as she moved to a new community in Nova Scotia when her parents divorced. As a shy girl, Jamie struggled to find new friends at […]

Dec 302015

As 2015 comes to a close I feel the need to reflect on what has happened, what I have accomplished and the things that stood out for me. As a writer, I want to edit out all the bad things that have happened to strengthen the positive aspects of 2015 but I can’t. The year […]

Nov 272015
Getting Into the Mind of an Evil Character by Rebecca Graf

When you are writing a fiction story, there are many different characters you might encounter. You meet them and get to know them. Some you fall in love with. Then there are those you wonder how you will ever write. They are so evil! But you have to get into their minds. It’s a ride, […]

Oct 152015

Everything does happen for a reason and at just the right time, even if it’s difficult to always understand. This coaching hosted by Spiritually Aware Parent Christina Fletcher was no exception. There were delays, scheduling conflicts and other not so friendly reasons this session only happened today but today was the opportune time for it, […]