Yes, I'm Busy and I'm Loving It

Yes, I’m Busy and I’m Loving It

While being busy is often seen as a fault or aggravation, I thrive with deadlines, projects and will always say yes to tasks that align with who I am. There’s an old saying that goes something like – when you want something done, ask a busy person, they’ll do it. In some ways, it’s the […]

Wonderful Surprises Come My Way

Wonderful Surprises Come My Way

I will be the first to express the importance of reviewing a book after reading it, whether you like it or not. Sharing your opinion is not only cathartic but helpful in more ways than you can think of. First, it tells readers that you’re well, reading, what you think of it and if you […]

2024 Is My Year of Writing...

2024 Is My Year of Writing…

And I’m not the only one who knows that. We all understand by now that overnight success really isn’t a thing. Before a name is known and fame is found, there are many battles, challenges, doubts and attempts building up to that moment. Many have said to be patient, that success will come when I […]

Do you ever feel imperfect?

Do you ever feel imperfect?

There are times I read a book that I wish I could have read when I was younger. Books that stand out and stand up for their readers by creating characters that are so real and relevant it’s important for their story to be told. When that happens, I am elated that it’s available now […]

Dough and Breadcrumbs

Graduate high school, go onto higher learning, get a job, fall in love, bring home the dough, raise a family, work hard until you can retire and collect pension and then enjoy your freedom from a schedule. Or, if you’re an athlete, change that up and make millions to play a game hen retire at a young age and wonder what else life has to offer.

The system is messed up.

School Visits Are The Best!

School Visits Are The Best!

As an introvert, being at home reading and writing is my habit, so being invited to present and speak about my writing is equally thrilling and nerve-wracking. Until I take the stage. Once I get in front of the crowd and start, it seems like another side of me takes precedence and shines! It has […]

A Christmas/ Holiday Giveaway

A Christmas/ Holiday Giveaway

Oftentimes, my son makes me super proud and, with his idea to celebrate 12 days of Christmas with a Canadian book giveaway is one of those very moments. As a YouTuber, reviewing books primarily by Canadian authors, he has gone above and beyond by aligning with Digitally Lit to offer a holiday giveaway of books […]