Wonderful Surprises Come My Way

Wonderful Surprises Come My Way

I will be the first to express the importance of reviewing a book after reading it, whether you like it or not. Sharing your opinion is not only cathartic but helpful in more ways than you can think of. First, it tells readers that you’re well, reading, what you think of it and if you […]

School Visits Are The Best!

School Visits Are The Best!

As an introvert, being at home reading and writing is my habit, so being invited to present and speak about my writing is equally thrilling and nerve-wracking. Until I take the stage. Once I get in front of the crowd and start, it seems like another side of me takes precedence and shines! It has […]

My Review of Pictou Town by Teresa MacKenzie and published by Pictou Bee Press!

My Review of Pictou Town by Teresa MacKenzie and published by Pictou Bee Press!

Such an adorable book with magnificent artwork. The book itself is a well packaged, the story delightful and the artwork so true to life it brings you right to Pictou, Nova Scotia. A collection of historical buildings displayed in a colourful story / poem for young readers, the value goes beyond a love letter to […]

My Review of Shanti Fights for Her Rights by Marcia E Barss

My Review of Shanti Fights for Her Rights by Marcia E Barss

Powerful. Insightful. Impactful. Three empowering words that describe this book which follows 14 year old Shanti in her village in India fighting for her right to be educated. In Nova Scotia, Canada, we all complain when a day of school is cancelled due to weather, not understanding the global picture of public schooling challenges. Following […]

Let Me Count Your Sneezes

Let Me Count Your Sneezes

Admittedly, I’m weird. Delightfully, while I’m always weird, I can delight people with strange observations at the sneakiest of times. Take the market for example. Selling books at a Farmer’s Market, Christmas Market, Jamieson’s General Store’s first Saturday market makes sense, especially this time around. It makes more sense when you fill the table with […]

It Takes Two to Tamure

It Takes Two to Tamure

Memories on the Bounty by Janet Coulter Sanford is a special book for me for many reasons. One of which is that it was written by my grade eleven teacher who encouraged me to write. Second, because it’s a beautiful story of memories relived and the beautiful dance between friendship and history. This non-fiction story […]

Yes, Yes and Yes to From Showing Off to Showing Up by Nancy Regan

Yes, Yes and Yes to From Showing Off to Showing Up by Nancy Regan

From Showing Off to Showing Up: An Impostor’s Journey from Perfect to Present by Nancy Regan is not just a book – it’s an experience. And oh what an experience it was for me. If you have read my previous two most recent blog posts, you know this book poked holes, and wholes, into memories […]

From Showing Off to Showing Up by Nancy Regan

Still not yet a review, just a moment that I was inspired to share and show up for. There are many similarities I’m finding, within the stories in From Showing Off to Showing Up and this particular one brought back a situation I am not proud of. One, like Nancy’s, is a moment that ripped […]

The Power of Literacy

The Power of Literacy

If you know me at all, it comes as no surprise that I love books, reading, writing and promoting them. I also have a son who goes by “Wild Willie” for his book review YouTube channel. Nova Scotia is also our home. So… volunteering for River John, Nova Scotia’s Read by the Sea Literary Festival […]

Peace By Chocolate, My Review and More

Peace by Chocolate: The Hadhad Family’s Remarkable Journey from Syria to Canada by Canadian author Jon Tattrie is a wealth of information, emotion and motivation. This book is more than the story of Tareq, the first of his family to escape Syria and arrive in Canada. It’s much more than the tale and woes of […]