Wonderful Surprises Come My Way

Wonderful Surprises Come My Way

I will be the first to express the importance of reviewing a book after reading it, whether you like it or not. Sharing your opinion is not only cathartic but helpful in more ways than you can think of. First, it tells readers that you’re well, reading, what you think of it and if you […]

Do you ever feel imperfect?

Do you ever feel imperfect?

There are times I read a book that I wish I could have read when I was younger. Books that stand out and stand up for their readers by creating characters that are so real and relevant it’s important for their story to be told. When that happens, I am elated that it’s available now […]

It Takes Two to Tamure

It Takes Two to Tamure

Memories on the Bounty by Janet Coulter Sanford is a special book for me for many reasons. One of which is that it was written by my grade eleven teacher who encouraged me to write. Second, because it’s a beautiful story of memories relived and the beautiful dance between friendship and history. This non-fiction story […]

Throw Down Your Shadows by Deborah Hemming

I blindly picked up this book, with no pretense or idea what it was about or who it was targeted towards. I admit this because I hesitated reading in but am so very glad I did! Sometimes new books and new authors can surprise you and Deborah Hemming did just that with Throw Down Your […]

Touch of Gold

Everyone needs to start over at some point in their life, some do so unwillingly and others with commitment. Jamie, the main human character in Touch of Gold, balanced both as she moved to a new community in Nova Scotia when her parents divorced. As a shy girl, Jamie struggled to find new friends at […]