Yes, I'm Busy and I'm Loving It

Yes, I’m Busy and I’m Loving It

While being busy is often seen as a fault or aggravation, I thrive with deadlines, projects and will always say yes to tasks that align with who I am. There’s an old saying that goes something like – when you want something done, ask a busy person, they’ll do it. In some ways, it’s the […]

2024 Is My Year of Writing...

2024 Is My Year of Writing…

And I’m not the only one who knows that. We all understand by now that overnight success really isn’t a thing. Before a name is known and fame is found, there are many battles, challenges, doubts and attempts building up to that moment. Many have said to be patient, that success will come when I […]

Spiritually Aware Parenting Coaching Session

Everything does happen for a reason and at just the right time, even if it’s difficult to always understand. This coaching hosted by Spiritually Aware Parent Christina Fletcher was no exception. There were delays, scheduling conflicts and other not so friendly reasons this session only happened today but today was the opportune time for it, […]

Being Grateful, Being Thankful Has Launched!

Being Grateful, Being Thankful Has Launched!

It’s official, Being Grateful, Being Thankful:: Appreciate Everything to Be Happy For Even The Rain Brings Rainbows is available for download and being very well received. Two amazing 5 Star Reviews have been posted with promise of more to come. When it comes to social networking, a status update can change a day – if […]

Vision & Visualization: How to Visualize and Imagine to Change our Life and Creates the Results that we Want

Vision & Visualization: How to Visualize and Imagine to Change our Life and Creates the Results that we Want

Stephen Ecker has a way with words and makes it known through all of his motivational books. Vision & Visualization: How to Visualize and Imagine to Change our Life and Creates the Results that we Want impressed me once again with it’s easy to read and simple to understand concept of positive thinking and understanding. […]

Winning a Board Game

Winning a Board Game

My son recently asked my husband and I to play a game of Monopoly. Not a strange request and yet such obvious proof of the law of attraction at work. I embraced the opportunity to bond with and teach my 4 year old and play a game with my husband. My husband, on the other […]

Smiles and More are Contagious - Pass Them On

Smiles and More are Contagious – Pass Them On

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~Phyllis Diller If a smile sets everything straight then a compliment or validation sets everything right. When you wake up in the morning late and realize it’s Monday, you have to go to the dentist after a meeting with your boss all it takes is a […]

Live! With Regis and Kelly, The Law of Attraction and Sarah?

I just got back to Moncton from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island where I saw Live! With Regis and Kelly live! with my husband. It was amazing. The weather promised rain and it poured on Sunday, keeping us inside and under cover all night. We took a drive down to the set, saw that the place […]

So Absolutely Thrilled I’m Shaking!!!

The Law of Attraction worked wonderfully! When I heard that Live! With  Regis and Kelly was coming to a neighbouring province of Prince Edward Island I knew I’d be on the show, I just didn’t know how. I wrote them about The Adventures Of Sammy, I sent them a copy of Sending You Sammy and […]

You Have An IPad! Do You Still Have the Box?

Riches come to us in all different shapes and sizes. We’ve all been told the stories of when we enjoyed the simpler things in life, the least expensive items amused us more than the things that cost our parents a small fortune. Some of us even remember those days when the letters to Santa were […]