Yes, I'm Busy and I'm Loving It

Yes, I’m Busy and I’m Loving It

While being busy is often seen as a fault or aggravation, I thrive with deadlines, projects and will always say yes to tasks that align with who I am. There’s an old saying that goes something like – when you want something done, ask a busy person, they’ll do it. In some ways, it’s the […]

2024 Is My Year of Writing...

2024 Is My Year of Writing…

And I’m not the only one who knows that. We all understand by now that overnight success really isn’t a thing. Before a name is known and fame is found, there are many battles, challenges, doubts and attempts building up to that moment. Many have said to be patient, that success will come when I […]

Dough and Breadcrumbs

Graduate high school, go onto higher learning, get a job, fall in love, bring home the dough, raise a family, work hard until you can retire and collect pension and then enjoy your freedom from a schedule. Or, if you’re an athlete, change that up and make millions to play a game hen retire at a young age and wonder what else life has to offer.

The system is messed up.

The East Coast Gambler / Canadian Creative Writers Contest

The East Coast Gambler / Canadian Creative Writers Contest

For the inaugural Canadian Creative Writers Edgar Allan Poe Contest I came in third place with this submission: The East Coast Gambler The raven looked down on the detective as the detective looked back. Both summoned to the room in the House of Usher moments before its fall. Detective Roberts shook himself out of his […]

How Does One Become a Professional Writer?

How Does One Become a Professional Writer?

Looking now beyond the measure of success that seems we all struggle with, the concept of giving ourselves a title of writer or author, and the hurdles we work to overcome to define who we are, there are more questions. Many more. With sixteen “books” (some are short stories, ebooks and some would argue not […]

What Can $5 Do For You?

What Can $5 Do For You?

With the rising prices of practically everything these days, it’s so hard to make even $5 stretch very far but, if done right, could do so much for someone. Instead of buying a couple of coffees at your local chain for a minute or two of enjoyment I would like you to consider how far […]

Questions I Love to Be Asked

Questions I Love to Be Asked

Recently I have connected with so many new writers it’s convinced me I’m on the brink of a major tipping point in my writing career. It’s been overwhelming but so enjoyable and confidence boosting. With each connection comes a question or two (or more) so I thought I would start sharing them here as I […]

Z's....The Final

Z’s….The Final

Start at the beginning Flo was alone again and had nothing to do but sleep. She retired to her childhood bedroom and slept like the dead, as lonely as a wolf. When she woke it was much, much later, weeks later and the sun was shining. Judy was busy at home painting and planning, deciding […]


Start at the beginning Max was a planner. Doing something so big so impulsively was strange. Maybe it was the exhaustion and not being able to sleep while being monitored for a concussion, maybe it was the giddy feeling he had about moving back in with his family. But most likely, it was his encounter […]



Start at the beginning Max and Judy were split. Their children knew it, they just didn’t understand why. When they saw them in the house together, Helen in their house and Lucas later in the supposedly abandoned house, they were confused. So were Judy and Max. Split because Judy wasn’t sure what she wanted. She […]