

Start at the beginning If Helen knew Cole had trust issues she would have protested more. It was her father who suggested securing the door behind them, her mother who doubted his methods and her brother who was just in a hurry to get out of that awful abandoned house. Helen was even more smitten […]



Start at the beginning Judy jumped first, landing in a soft pile of sod and Max came tumbling after, landing hard on the ground. They both stood slowly, looking back up to the roof they jumped from and remember their younger days of risky behavior. Neither could believe the paradise they entered and both were […]

Racing Around The Radius

Racing Around The Radius

Start at the beginning Cole picked up his pace but was physically and mentally exhausted from nights misadventures. With Lucas sound asleep on his back it was impossible to go at a steady pace, too. The only thing keeping him moving was knowing Flo seemed to be picking up her pace behind him. And then […]



Start at the beginning Under any other circumstances this view would have been paradise. A young boy playing with a grandmother in a garden filled with blossoms and vegetables in light so golden it was impossible. Apple trees giving shade to plants and the playful couple who needed a break from the sun. The world […]



Start at the beginning Everyone was occupied yet no one was really doing anything of value. As Helen’s parents made it up the stairs they remained quiet, hoping to hear the sound again but all was silent. Helen was simply wandering in circles not finding any clues as to where her brother went with Flo, […]

Night Has Fallen

Night Has Fallen

Start at the beginning Helen felt the outside temperature dropping, the house offering little to stop the wind, but her own temperature was beginning to soar. So mad that Lucas wouldn’t even have the sense to stay put when he knew of her efforts and expected return, angry that the lady was so convincing. Staying […]

Missing Again

Start at the beginning Helen was dumbfounded at seeing the empty room knowing they couldn’t have walked past her. Searching for another way out was useless too, the only other exit was up and there was no way they could do that. Wandering around as she waited for Cole to return, Helen tried to make […]

Lonely Life

Lonely Life

Start at the beginning Helen thought she lived a lonely life and maybe she did but it was nothing compared to Flo’s. While she was waiting for her parents to find her, Helen and Flo knew Flo had no one coming for her. Lucas stirred and looked at his sister, reminding Helen that she even […]

Knowledge Bred Kindness

Knowledge Bred Kindness

Start at the beginning Lucas’s mind drifted and eyes threatened to close as the lady told her story but Helen’s attention was rapt. Figuring she had to wait for her parents to find her anyway she determined it was safest to keep the ladies attention on her story and not be distracted with the little […]