Jun 232024
My Review of Sunshine Nails by Mai Nguyen

A fantastic look at a Canadian community, a family of immigrants and their efforts into making Canada a home for themselves and their children. Sunshine Nails, while a universal story, centers around the Trans who settled in Toronto from their home in Vietnam. Phil and Debbie raised two children, Jessica and Dylan, to be independent […]

Jun 032024
Wonderful Surprises Come My Way

I will be the first to express the importance of reviewing a book after reading it, whether you like it or not. Sharing your opinion is not only cathartic but helpful in more ways than you can think of. First, it tells readers that you’re well, reading, what you think of it and if you […]

Apr 042024
My Review of How We Did It by Karl Subban

Subban is a popular name these days, even if you don’t watch hockey. P.K. Subban is arguably the most popular, but his brothers, Malcolm and Jordan are right there with him in their skills, talent and drive. A love of hockey is not necessary to love the Subban family and their talents, on and off […]

Mar 212024

Graduate high school, go onto higher learning, get a job, fall in love, bring home the dough, raise a family, work hard until you can retire and collect pension and then enjoy your freedom from a schedule. Or, if you’re an athlete, change that up and make millions to play a game hen retire at a young age and wonder what else life has to offer.

The system is messed up.

Mar 142024

When people encourage me to just keep going, give me tips on how long it takes to really get traction, and have faith in what I do it helps and it hurts. They don’t realize that my “overnight success” story has been over twenty years in the making. That each day I wake up with […]

Jan 262024
School Visits Are The Best!

As an introvert, being at home reading and writing is my habit, so being invited to present and speak about my writing is equally thrilling and nerve-wracking. Until I take the stage. Once I get in front of the crowd and start, it seems like another side of me takes precedence and shines! It has […]