Gigantic Goals

Versus Itty Bitty Ones Today’s letter is, of course, G in the A to Z Challenge and I could have gone simply with Goals but mine tend to be Gigantic ones. They have always been bigger than I could really fathom or detail, piling on one after the other until I quite honestly burn out. […]

Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

Today, of course, is brought to you by the letter F in the A to Z Challenge and I wondered if Facebook should be the topic but my fear of failure won out because, unlike Facebook, it’s always been a constant and is for a lot of authors/ writers. And it’s Friday!! So that’s a […]

Exposure, Energy and Evicting the Need for Excellence

Today’s post, of course, is brought to you by the letter E in the A to Z Challenge and while I did come up with a whole lot of E words I feel these three are enough and most important. Exposure, while being fully respectable and modest, is what drives an author to having a […]

Dedication and Determination

Both are so important so I couldn’t decide (decision is yet another good D topic) which to focus on so I’ll talk about both for this installment of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Dedication is something I lack and make up for with determination. The opposite of dedication to me is excuse and I […]

Contests and Should You Enter

As you know, I’m participating in the 2018 A to Z Challenge this month so this is my second, and post I should have written long ago. Contests… Contests in general are something people either enter or don’t, with the excuse that they never win yet I wonder how they think they will win if […]

Building an Audience

Blogging for Business is such a long term goal that’s hard to keep in mind but I am inspired by all of you and all of the potential readers so I keep going, sporadically more than anything, but continuously. Blogging is just one small aspect of building a business and it’s challenging when you don’t […]


A is a very common start of many words related to being an author and writing so when I signed up for the A to Z Challenge I contemplated the A word most. It could easily be for April – the month this challenge is beginning, A is for Author, and Author Platform, Ability, Absolute, […]