Sarah Butland

Find Your Magic

Find Your Magic

I was recently asked about my magic. What do I care about and how do I nurture that care. I truly couldn’t answer. I hesitated then admitted I needed time to think. Time of peace, of no nagging chores or expectations, of no obligations to worry about, yet no one has that. It’s not part […]

My Review of Pictou Town by Teresa MacKenzie and published by Pictou Bee Press!

My Review of Pictou Town by Teresa MacKenzie and published by Pictou Bee Press!

Such an adorable book with magnificent artwork. The book itself is a well packaged, the story delightful and the artwork so true to life it brings you right to Pictou, Nova Scotia. A collection of historical buildings displayed in a colourful story / poem for young readers, the value goes beyond a love letter to […]

My Review of Shanti Fights for Her Rights by Marcia E Barss

My Review of Shanti Fights for Her Rights by Marcia E Barss

Powerful. Insightful. Impactful. Three empowering words that describe this book which follows 14 year old Shanti in her village in India fighting for her right to be educated. In Nova Scotia, Canada, we all complain when a day of school is cancelled due to weather, not understanding the global picture of public schooling challenges. Following […]

A Business Plan for Writer’s

Someone I adore asked me the other day about my business plan as a writer/creative. My reaction was to laugh. I heard of it, I know what it is, I understand it’s intention and how valuable it can be and yet, time is my excuse. With my limited time spent doing unto others, my actual […]

If You're Reading This... You Are Lucky

If You’re Reading This… You Are Lucky

It’s 2023 and we’ve made it. Not all of us have been so lucky and not many of us feel the luck, having lost loved ones and experienced changes that weren’t so flattering to our objectives. But we are here and that is fortunate. For me, 2022 was a lot of lessons to be patient, […]

My Love Letter to At Home/ My Love and Hate Relationship with Movies

My Love Letter to At Home/ My Love and Hate Relationship with Movies

After watching a few movies that featured a struggling writer trying to find her place among competitors, be it as an author, freelancer, journalist, etc I knew what I wanted to blog about. Then things changed. You see, in a way I was living in a movie with my writing career. In the last five […]