Emails confirming your story (or other medium of presenting your heart to be judged by strangers) has been rejected hurts. It hurts like hell, to be honest. My first instinct is always to understand it as a rejection of me, of my heart, of my story and I do default to taking it personally. After […]
Questions I Love to Be Asked
Recently I have connected with so many new writers it’s convinced me I’m on the brink of a major tipping point in my writing career. It’s been overwhelming but so enjoyable and confidence boosting. With each connection comes a question or two (or more) so I thought I would start sharing them here as I […]
T is for… Tenacity
Writing is a long term goal, one that takes a lot of focus and tenacity to see through. Rewards are not fast or abundant and are often masked in more work but they should all be celebrated. I took on the word “Tenacity” for this A to Z Challenge post. Lately I’ve been getting a […]
Finally I Am Me
A typical biography is boring and makes for a dull read. I attended a workshop recently where we were asked to write our own short biography but to jazz it up, make it something people want to read and so I did. I started writing it as I would want my obituary to read, in […]
Redo’s, Revisions, and Hindsight
A first draft never tells the best story so I wonder why we’re not able to revise a day in reality. It doesn’t even have to be a day… maybe a first meet or a second date, a friendship or an invite. You know the kind – a situation which you always regret didn’t go […]