Canadian suspense author Cheryl Kaye Tardif is hoping to achieve a monumental dream this March—making the New York Times bestsellers list for her ebook, SUBMERGED. Gathering an “army” of dedicated friends and fans, she will be promoting this book with a special sale and a contest filled with awesome prizes. Pre-order today! What’s SUBMERGED about? […]
Two Great Books for Free for Your Kindle
Every High School has their social outcasts. The band nerds, the math geeks, the chess club, the girl that chews her hair, but at Butler High, even the creepy nose picker in the chess club is more popular than Caleo Anima. No matter what he did, his pale skin, snow white hair, and piercing blue […]
What’s On a Cover?
“You can’t judge a book by its cover.” That’s a popular saying we’ve all heard more than a few times. And it is true. Take Sarah Butland’s novel “Arm Farm”, for example. The first time I saw the cover, I had images of a delusional, psychopathic farmer chopping the limbs off of people that he […]
Deadly Perspectives (In Entirety)
A Four part collaboration by Pierre C Arseneault, Sarah Butland and Angella Jacob. All rights reserved. Part 1. The Damsel Almost in Distress By Pierre C Arseneault The young blonde limped slightly under the fading daylight as she walked barefoot on the cool concrete of a downtown sidewalk. Her left ankle throbbed slightly as she […]
Deadly Perspectives : Such a Lovely Face
A Four part collaboration by Pierre C Arseneault, Sarah Butland and Angella Jacob. All rights reserved. Part 3. Such a Lovely Face By Angella Jacob The traffic on the corner of MacBeth and Willshire was heavier than usual, so I was lucky to find a parking spot near the coffee shop where I knew too […]
Meet Georgina Hannan, An Author from England
Recently I was asked – except for social media, what was the last thing I wrote? I was pleased to say the answer to that was more of my book, Absolution, which is the last book in my Cursed trilogy. So what is this trilogy I just mentioned? Book 1 – Cursed: Reality and myths […]
Come Join Us By the Campfire with Monica Graham and Ghosts
Do you believe in ghosts? I’ll tell you a story, about something that happened almost a hundred years ago right here in Nova Scotia, at a farmhouse ‘way out in the country. Alexander MacDonald, his wife Janet, and their adopted daughter Mary Ellen lived there, with nobody else but their big dog, Chief, the farm […]
How to Win an Author : An Amazing Tale by Sheila Deeth
This month as everyone heads back to school, the leaves start changing colour and the air brings a chill I am bringing you lots of reading material in hopes you’ll find something you love to read. While I am putting forth a huge effort to bring awareness to my own books I understand that everyone […]
Glen Muller Talks Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Writing
This month as everyone heads back to school, the leaves start changing colour and the air brings a chill I am bringing you lots of reading material in hopes you’ll find something you love to read. While I am putting forth a huge effort to bring awareness to my own books I understand that everyone […]
A Husband’s Challenge Met!
This month as everyone heads back to school, the leaves start changing colour and the air brings a chill I am bringing you lots of reading material in hopes you’ll find something you love to read. While I am putting forth a huge effort to bring awareness to my own books I understand that everyone […]