Resources for Writers



Looking for an editor? For readers and reviewers? I’ll share here what I know of and find and ask that you do the same.

Fiction Writer’s Brainstormer
This is the book I used to spark Arm Farm and highly recommend it for anyone interested in writing fiction and being inspired.

On Writing by Stephen King

Even if you’re not a King fan, this book is gold. There are some references to his horror writing specifically, but overall it’s a must have on your shelf if you have ever considered yourself a writer.

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Admittedly, I haven’t read this yet but have read many books which reference it and do have it in my TBR pile. This link is for the starter kit which includes the book and workbook which is recommend and was mentioned at the River Run meet.

Writing as a Sacred Path: A Practical Guide to Writing with Passion and Purpose by Jill Jepson

A fellow member mentioned this book and loved it, so I bought it but have yet to read it. I would likely call to some of you so I included it.

*links included are Amazon Affiliate links which means, at no cost to you, my son makes a percentage of the sale

Thanks for reading and writing,

Sarah Butland

Check out The News in Books for opportunities to write, ideas on how to market and more.

Authors: here’s a low cost opportunity to bring your book to a wider audience:

In search of an editor? I found some on Facebook an though haven’t dealt with them yet I may in the near future. if you have some you’ve worked with and love or want to warn others to stay away from, please include a comment below.

Jasmine Flower Editing & Proofreading

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