A Site for the Reader, the Writer, for You!



Literacy is important in every form and at www.SarahButland.com I will make every effort to make reading enjoyable and addictive. This site is for readers, writers, fans, and, of course, you – all of the above.

Keep reading – this site, your novels, your own work – reading is contagious to make sure you pass it on.

Love to Read and Can’t Decide What to Read Next?

Ok, ok, so maybe writing isn’t your thing but reading is. As a strong believer in having everyone enjoy reading and practicing their literacy skills I write for your enjoyment, pleasure and interest. I also donate regularly to the World Literacy of Canada charity, with your help, as a portion of any book sales I make goes directly to them.

If you’re not sure what book you should read next or if you would like/ love a certain author search my site for reviews on that author. Every book I read I review here as a way to keep track of books I’ve read but also to guide you, my reader, into choosing a new book for your shelf or to leave one on the bookstores shelf.

These are simply my opinions of the books and we all have our own opinion but I figure I can share mine as I have a blog. And if you’re still reading, still searching and learning than I’ve done what I have come here to do.

As have you as you are still reading this. I won’t keep you away from the reviews – go ahead, sit back and enjoy the read.

Are You A Writer? Do You Want To Be An Author?

Have you been writing things down since you don’t know how long? Have you found the confidence to show some of your writings to the world but don’t know how to go about it? Trying to sort out self-publishing versus mainstream publishing versus independent publishers versus hiring a literary agent versus versus versus?

Now is the time to decide and I hope to make the decision much easier for you. After reading through my experiences, my opinions, my outlooks I know that you’ll be able to make the decision best for you as a writer and soon-to-be author.

You’ll be able to ask questions, provide answers and share you experience at the end of each of my posts and we’ll connect in cyberspace so we can both continue learning from each other.

Welcome writer. Enjoy your stay.

A Bit About Me… In Case You Were Wondering…

Sarah Butland was born in Ontario, the year was 1982. She was moved to Nova Scotia for over ten years and now resides in New Brunswick, Canada. Butland has been married to her high school sweetheart and has a superstar son named William, a dog named Corona and a cat named Russ who all make her house a home.

Butland started creating while still learning to walk and in years to follow was able to put a writing utensil to paper to document her creations before they were completely lost. Of course, her first manuscripts were in dire need of editing but she didn’t seem to mind nor did her readers.

The first “big break” for Butland came when she was still a teenager feeling like she was unlike every other teenager she knew. She heard from a poetry contest that her poem “Wrong Shell” would be published in their anthology; would she kindly send them thousands of dollars to continue on in the finals. Butland’s parents refused. So began the struggle of discovering which awards were actually earned not bought.

Limiting herself to contest submissions from then on, Sarah Butland realized her career of writing would be a difficult struggle no matter the talent she held inside or was forced out. Many stories, attempts at novels and thousands of ideas later, Butland created BananaBoy and the Adventures of Sammy was born with Sending You Sammy, her first published children’s book. Then came Brain Tales – Volume One, a collection of short stories and finally Arm Farm, her current literary pride and joy.

Butland’s next accomplishment planned to be winning the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award which would then be mentioned among her most joyous literary accomplishments. Unfortunately she didn’t win the 2011 award but is now working on new and greater things like Blood Day – The Novel (tentative title) to be released as soon as possible. Completing it through JANO – January Novel Writing Month is a challenge she accepted!

Sending you Sammy Parent’s Website

BananaBoyFan Club Site

Thanks for reading,

Sarah Butland

  14 Responses to “A Site for the Reader, the Writer, for You!”

  1. I am a writer. But I’ll be an author when I sign that book deal. I start the agent hunt next week. Nice site. Makes reading enjoyable. 😉

  2. Hi Sarah, Amanda from Networked Blog here to follow you. I am the one with the don’t know what to read. I would have to get a reviewer to customize my reading list. LOL. Wonderful post.

  3. I hope this is better for you Anna. I have been meaning to change it so am thankful for the reminder.

  4. Missed you book signing today, too lazy to drive from Alma in the rain. I would love to get a couple of signed copies of Sending You Sammy, one for my grandson, Ethan, and one for my great nephew, Duncan. We are friends of your inlaws, so could pick up and pay for them there if that’s okay.

  5. I will have to take a look around here more Sarah, and visit your other websites. An interesting blog for writers and readers indeed.

  6. Congrats on all your accomplishments.

  7. Just saw your comment on Deborah Carr’s blog. You’re right. It should make perfect sense to me. 🙂

    So nice to find a blog on reading for a change. I’m always reading. Love it. French or English. I’m now looking to see if I can find a way to subscribe to your blog.

    Very nice to meet you!

  8. Congratulations, Sarah. THE RIVER ebook for leaving a comment on Eileen Schuh’s trivia blog post.

    Email me for instructions on how to receive your prize. 🙂


  9. Hey Sarah. The agent hunt had to wait, but NOW I’m ready. I swear on the oath of writerly peeps. 🙂

  10. Hi Sarah, Nice post and a great site. I am impressed with you, you are a talented. 🙂

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