Day two of my journaling through Chelene Knight’s Safekeeping: A Writer’s Guided Journal for Launching a Book With Love. Yes, there were many other insightful questions and activities to do since my first post, and I will definitely be exploring those avenues, maybe even here at a later time, but this one spoke to me, […]
Safekeeping by Chelene Knight
I know, I know, I tried this before with Pam Grout’s E-Squared and admittedly didn’t complete it, but I wanted to try it again with Safekeeping: A Writer’s Guided Journal for Launching a Book with Love by Chelene Knight. I also promise to complete E-Squared when I can. As I am reading this to review […]
T.P. Wood Takes Over
A revived segment of my blog is The Author Takeover, where an invited guest is asked to contribute a blog to my site. This allows my readers to connect with more authors and celebrate the world of literary in a different way. Today, welcome T.P. Wood as he talks about writer’s block, tarot cards and passion. Be sure […]
Inquire Within with Jan Fancy Hull
This collection of short fictions is hard truths wrapped in creative genius. I loved the characters, the plots, the different way of getting to the point and introducing us to the setting – an obscure office building with a mix of strange professional workers. Like the building, the introspective messages were subtle enough that a […]
My Review of The Treasure Hunter’s Club by Tom Ryan
Admittedly, I had very high expectations for this novel and typically when that happens, I am grandly disappointed. The hype, the pomp and circumstance and, yes, the chocolates, teas and packaging all had me swooning. Thankfully, though this review is completely unbiased and not based on anything more than the story itself – the hype […]
My Review of Sunshine Nails by Mai Nguyen
A fantastic look at a Canadian community, a family of immigrants and their efforts into making Canada a home for themselves and their children. Sunshine Nails, while a universal story, centers around the Trans who settled in Toronto from their home in Vietnam. Phil and Debbie raised two children, Jessica and Dylan, to be independent […]
Wonderful Surprises Come My Way
I will be the first to express the importance of reviewing a book after reading it, whether you like it or not. Sharing your opinion is not only cathartic but helpful in more ways than you can think of. First, it tells readers that you’re well, reading, what you think of it and if you […]
My Review of How We Did It by Karl Subban
Subban is a popular name these days, even if you don’t watch hockey. P.K. Subban is arguably the most popular, but his brothers, Malcolm and Jordan are right there with him in their skills, talent and drive. A love of hockey is not necessary to love the Subban family and their talents, on and off […]
Do you ever feel imperfect?
There are times I read a book that I wish I could have read when I was younger. Books that stand out and stand up for their readers by creating characters that are so real and relevant it’s important for their story to be told. When that happens, I am elated that it’s available now […]
A Christmas/ Holiday Giveaway
Oftentimes, my son makes me super proud and, with his idea to celebrate 12 days of Christmas with a Canadian book giveaway is one of those very moments. As a YouTuber, reviewing books primarily by Canadian authors, he has gone above and beyond by aligning with Digitally Lit to offer a holiday giveaway of books […]