Oct 252021

I am so happy to celebrate the relaunch of Canadian author from New Brunswick Rebecca MacFarlane with Dying Season. After putting writing aside for a bit to focus on her family, MacFarlane has a plan to emerge with a punch and this book packs a lot!

The premise of the story line, a virus that is turning everyone into zombies, is not something I usually read (these days, it seems all too real) but I was committed from the first page. The characters stories on their own were enough to keep me turning the page, eager to learn more about the people and their back stories as well as their methods of escaping the madness.

I often think that summer is the only season that’s not long enough but after reading “Dying Season” I realize this season wasn’t long enough either. While there is a sequel planned, I do wish all sequels were combined into one book but maybe that’s coming…

With unique monsters, back stories that tore at my heart and events that made me jump, Dying Season includes a lot of heart racing visuals, heart pumping story lines and reasons to keep your eyes wide open.

Well written, very much like a Stephen King story, and I cannot wait to learn more about the next adventure these same characters go on and who they meet. I am definitely rooting for them.

One thing I wouldn’t recommend is reading this book while eating… it may give you nightmares. This story is a nightmare on a page but one that will make you want to continue to be immersed in it.

Thanks for reading. I Read Canadian and hope you do, too!

Sarah Butland

Canadian buyers: Dying Season
American buyers: Dying Season

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