Feb 032012

Are you too tired to think?
Have the sniffles
A lunch date?
Books to read?

We all do. At one time or another we could fill a book with excuses as to why we didn’t accomplish what we wanted to. I was about to succumb to life and the restriction of time permitted to blog and then I listened to Paul Brandt’s song I’m Gonna Fly.

I know, I hear your groans and laughter. It is a country song, a country singer and yes, I admit I enjoy some country – especially Paul Brandt! So when I discovered he was coming to Moncton I set out to be there and lo-and-behold the universe paved my way with World Vision.

A very good friend of mine now works for World Vision and asked for volunteers to be available for concert-goers to adopt a child. I was the first one to reply excited to take part and hear Paul Brandt live. An excellent cause, a great singer and a fabulous song-writer AND Canadian! I have a lot to learn from him and love that I’m able to go see him and support this wonderful cause.

So as his song I’m Gonna Fly says…

I’m gonna fly
defy space and gravity
I’m gonna fly
Makin’ my own destiny

Stop making excuses, stop listening to your dream killer and start living your dream however you want to. As you can see, despite the odds of my finding the time and energy this week to write a blog I did it, because I love to write and want to make a living doing it. Oh yeah, I already do!

So now it’s your turn to fly, to defy space and gravity and make your own destiny. Whether you’re a country or city dweller, single or have a family, you will live your dream once you decide your passion and convince yourself you can.

Thanks for reading,

Sarah Butland

PS: Don’t hesitate, never procrastinate – get it done!

For information on how you can adopt a child and Be the Difference – For Children, For Change, For Life visit World Vision right now!

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