Being Canadian is important to me for so many reasons, one of which being January 27th as it’s a day we mark to celebrate literacy and all it’s worth.
Being a writer of course I need readers so celebrate the essence of words and the importance of our education system in supporting ensuring a great and hopefully growing population can read, write and calculate.
In this information age where people were outraged by the idea of SOPA passing in the US it’s important we all realize not all of us can access information as easily as we should.
Tomorrow I’ll be taking my son and a friend with his mother to the local Riverview, New Brunswick library to hear the local mayor – Mayor Clarence Sweetland read stories in celebration of the written word.
Saturday morning we plan to continue the celebrations as I attend a writer’s group and my son and husband join others to hear Robert Munsch tell stories on a big screen.
Other Canadian authors to celebrate include myself, of course,

Canadian authors are magical when it comes to literacy! Support your local author today and every day.
as well as 10 listed below:
Sheree Fitch
Leonard Cohen
Alexander MacLeod
Chad Pelley
Deborah Carr
Wendy Kitts
Karen Dales
Jason Lawson
Jean Mills<img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=monezine-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0051HHV9U" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;"
A.F. Stewart
As always, thanks for reading and celebrating literacy with me and these Canadian authors every day!
Sarah Butland
I think this is a grand idea! I’ve done tutoring to help those learn to love the written word and taught ESL. Books were as a child and is now, one of my greatest joys.