From Showing Off to Showing Up: An Impostor’s Journey from Perfect to Present by Nancy Regan is not just a book – it’s an experience. And oh what an experience it was for me.
If you have read my previous two most recent blog posts, you know this book poked holes, and wholes, into memories I thought I had sorted. It filled gaps, reassured me and fulfilled me in ways that many other similar books (think Brené Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert) have because of its authenticity and the full package that came with it.
You see, Nancy is personable, humbled and knows the value of conversation so reached out to me to say she was touched after reading my blog. (Fangirling – Nancy Regan read my blog!!) Now, this isn’t to say she’ll reach out to everyone but it seems she genuinely makes an effort to start conversing and truly appreciates anyone who takes the time to read her first book. And that’s another thing – while she has lived a full and meaningful life, this is her very first book and I really do hope it’s not her last.
I heard a lot about this book, some from mutual friends James Mullinger and Karen Dean, and just general hype about it for months before I finally actually bought it (committing long before, despite my ever growing To Be Read list). When I picked it up I took a beat, wondering if it would live up to the pomp and circumstance it received (admittedly, I normally avoid books that are praised so highly so quickly, focusing on the less publicized authors to give them a fighting chance).
All this to say, the book has changed me from the very first page. Another confession, I had no idea who Nancy was prior to this. Even Come From Away (England) James Mullinger knew more about her and talked of her fame in his Mullinger Meets Canadians PodCast. I was baffled that he was more familiar with her than I was, but only briefly. It’s a long story, but I was not one to watch such programs (my nose was more commonly found in a book!).
Alas, to sum this up and leave some room for some variety on all the other review sites, this is a book for anyone who feels like they are walking through a maze and not a labyrinth, who sometimes forgets to breath and needs some fresh air, or/and wants to learn more of the history of Nova Scotia, behind the scenes and right smack dab in the middle of one (politics included). To make a long story short – this story is for you!
And before you get the book, if you haven’t already, sign up to Nancy’s newsletter now! Go… now… you won’t regret it! Ahem.. .why are you still reading – go now!
Thanks for reading,
Sarah Butland
(Amazon Affiliate Links included)
Aug 012022
What a heartfelt review, Sarah! Your experience with Nancy Regan’s book truly shines through in your words. It’s wonderful to hear that her book was able to touch you on such a deep level and bring new insight to your life. It’s also great to hear about the personal touch that Nancy brings to her work, reaching out to readers and fostering genuine connections. It’s clear that her authenticity shines through in her writing, and I’m sure that this is just the first of many incredible books to come from her. Your recommendation for the book is truly compelling, and I’m sure that anyone who feels lost or in need of fresh air would benefit from reading it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and personal experience with us,