Sep 172024

On October 24, I’ll be taking part in an event in New Glasgow called the Writing Rumble. It’s a four-hour writing relay event, where two teams of five Nova Scotia writers compete to “chain-write” a short story, each of us writing up to 350 words before passing it on to the next author to try to figure out where to take the story next!

It’s a fundraiser for the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia (WFNS), and proceeds will go to help support the WFNS’s writing residency at Jampolis Cottage. Located on the shores of the Minas Basin in Avonport, Jampolis Cottage is a 230-year-old home that welcomes emerging, established, and professional authors from Nova Scotia and beyond. Through residencies and retreats, it provides committed writers with the space and inspiration required for focused development of their works in progress. All funds raised through this year’s Writing Rumble will directly support their sponsored residency opportunities, through which two writers each year are awarded a month-long residency and an honorarium of $2,000.

So why I am telling you this? I’m writing to ask if you will sponsor me with a tax-deductible donation to the Writers’ Federation. And there are perks for sponsorship too! Rewards are unlocked with donations of:

You can donate at the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia. Once you click on the “Sponsor a Rumbler” link, you can select my name and team The Shore Things!

On October 24th, you are welcome to join us at the Shoebox Cantina between 3:00pm and 8:00pm to watch the fun! Or you can follow the fun on Instagram to see what’s happening.

Any amount helps! Thank you for taking the time to read this!


Sarah “The Wrangler” Butland

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