Becoming Flawesome is much more than a self-help book. It is book that breaks life down into smaller thought-provoking, raw emotions that demand introspection of the reader. It is a collection of relative truths of Kristina Mand-Lakhiani which forced me, and I suspect will encourage all readers, to think, resolve and contemplate for longer than the duration of this read.
It is a workbook in two ways – the first most obvious way is that it encourages the reader to journal at the end of each chapter. To write their answers to questions that are simple yet oh so effective.
In a more subtle way, this book is an exercise for both the heart and the mind. It challenged me to look at things like the Law of Attraction, happiness and honesty in more constructive ways that will help build and shape my future while also giving me permission to decide what that would look like.
In many ways, these exercises offered a reflection of my own experiences through a different perspective while continuing to be relatable. Easy to read, challenging to digest Becoming Flawesome is filled with harsh realities that test your insights and views of trends, concepts and your past experiences.
What spoke to me the loudest is the experience Kristina had with her son regarding responsibilities and homework. To love a child so deeply creates a need to ensure everything is right for them, even if that means taking the step back and letting them feel through their experiences. Happiness is personal, meaning we all need to experience our own sadness through life lessons to rejoice in the joy that comes from learning.
This book is for anyone who struggles with saying no to others, saying yes to themselves and knowing how to progress despite the fear and easy excuses to stay on the path they know.
Sound like you? Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life just could be exactly what you need.
Thanks for reading,
Sarah Butland
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