Jan 312022

A book by a Canadian author that should be taught and discussed in all schools in our country. It was wonderful to have a book focused on Canadian methods as so many are focused around the American way.

While admittedly quite knowledgeable when it comes to the financial world, Alini was able to teach me a lot while still being an easy to digest wealth of information. Money Like You Mean it is an account of wisdom, facts and methods while also not being pushy with respect to one way of doing things. This Canadian author and Global News Money Reporter, wrapped a ton of information into one compact book. Some readers would compare this to the old adage – in a nutshell – but I have a different take. This book is a lot of information stored in a grape peeling, with lots of juicy goodness and still growing on a vine that links with many other experts.

This idea promotes Alini’s humbleness in recommending many other experts whereas so many think they should be the only resource. She has touched on ideas of bucket accounts, included different family situations and touched on investments and cryptocurrency.

I highly recommend this book for high school students though is useful at any age when dealing with accounts. Money Like You Mean It: Personal Finance Tactics for the Real World by Erica Alini is a book that you may want to keep around and re-read whenever you’re feeling broke or, dare I say it, rich.

Thanks for reading,

Sarah Butland
*links included are Amazon affiliate links

  One Response to “Money Like You Mean It: Personal Finance Tactics for the Real World by Erica Alini”

  1. Alini’s book not only offers practical tips but also delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of personal finance. Reading your insights on common money mindset challenges and strategies to overcome them felt like having a much-needed conversation with a supportive friend. This book reminded me that personal finance is not just about numbers, but it’s also about understanding our own relationship with money and developing healthy financial habits.

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