Jan 162019

This year I planned to focus on writing. With my son now at school full time I have the hours to do what “sparks joy” in me in that is definitely writing.

And then I started watching a Netflix show called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and realized I needed to clear some space, literally and figuratively, before being able to really write the stories I want to craft. Now I struggle with purging in the sense that I always see more to get rid of and delight in feeling that sense of accomplishment with having it done.

With writing, while it does spark joy, it never seems finished. There’s always another story to be told and book to sell and while I love that they exist and my heart flutters at the idea of someone reading it, I hunger for more. Yes, the money from a sale is nice but what is much better is knowing someone is reading my work and, gasp!, enjoying it so much they want to leave a review.

So I hold myself back from “existing” because I don’t see progress. Instead, I gravitate to getting things done that make a difference in my life now and leave what I love to do most for last – never really ever getting there.

With that admission I wondered what you let hold you back from doing more of what you love?

Thanks for checking in and in advance for sharing your struggles with me.

Thank you for reading,

Sarah Butland

  2 Responses to “What’s Holding You Back?”

  1. I think the fact that you’re always purging is an indication of your success and refinement that opens up more opportunity for the cycle of your creation. That is how I am looking at it right now for sure. I feel like I’m getting more and more specific, knowing myself and my craft more deeply so that the other stuff is falling away and I’m more easily able to let go and create while at the same time leave it open for something better I hadn’t considered to also come along.

  2. I think the fact that you’re always purging is an indication of your success and refinement that opens up more opportunity for the cycle of your creation. That is how I am looking at it right now for sure. I feel like I’m getting more and more specific, knowing myself and my craft more deeply so that the other stuff is falling away and I’m better able to let go and create while at the same time leave it open for something better I hadn’t considered to also come along.

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