Dec 302012

A racy tale of compelling characters with backgrounds that will make you shiver. Not everything is quiet and content in the small town Small Rapids, Wisconsin where Nick runs to in order to escape a trouble past and guilty conscious.

After a deadly shooting harming more than Nick’s victim, he only sees black and white, smells nothing and his taste buds seem to no longer exist. Not wanting to face the reasons why he takes on a job as a cop in this small town with small town crimes. And then he met Trisha and started seeing that his escape plan wasn’t what he thought it would be.

The Drake House caught my attention from the very first page capturing a short scene that would make a lot more sense in the coming pages. Kelly Moran created these characters who existed in my life for a few weeks and I still wonder about now. I hope she’ll continue their story to let her fans know how they made out with the decisions they made.

A haunted bed and breakfast, one less sleep walker, a miracle birth and a promise of success, The Drake House comes complete with suspense, romance, loved characters and two recipes for the best apple pie in the world! Make them both and you decide then come back and tell me why.

This tale makes me dream of living on an apple orchard too. A must read for anyone who loves suspense and romance!

Thanks for reading,

Sarah Butland author of Sending You Sammy, Brain Tales – Volume One and Arm Farm

  One Response to “The Drake House by American Author Kelly Moran”

  1. Yay. So glad you liked it. Thanks, Sarah! xo

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