Feb 142012

This book is proof that humour can still be had in a world enduring financial hardship and it was the laughter I needed the weekend I read it. Seriously, Recession Proof helped me escape some of the turmoil of being exhausted and having a sick child to care for.

While in the emergency room I needed some relief and way to keep my eyes open and I began Jason’s novel hoping for a distraction. Well, I immediately fell in love with Frankie and Mortimer and wondered about Amanda. We all have Jason’s characters in our lives and it was interesting to relate them to who we know personally.

Although there were some editing issues within this story I was able to easily overlook them as the content was fast paced and something different. Comedic and wise without forcing humour or intelligence, Recession Proof is a must read for any person at any time in their life.

Recession Proof may be happening in your town or city but so is laughter – what would you rather catch?

And of course it’s awesome that Jason Lawson is an author from New Brunswick, Canada like myself.

Thanks for reading and be sure to check this book out for a light and funny read.

Sarah Butland
author of Sending You Sammy, Brain Tales – Volume One and Arm Farm

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