Ever wonder how in ancient times the 7 Natural Wonders of the World were chosen? How impossible would it be for one “judge” to travel the world and choose his favourite destinations? People couldn’t call each other around the world or vote online. I guess their selection may be considered it’s only natural wonder.
But things have changed and it’s now a public vote where you can choose the most amazing destinations or see some new ones to plan your next trip. The only Canadian destination still in the running is right in my back yard (well, almost).
The Bay of Fundy with its record setting tires (five to 10 times higher than any tide in the world!), its 12 species of whales. and unique potential for becoming the world’s greatest producer tidal power and so much more! You have to see it to believe it.
To read all about it, view some pictures and most importantly vote please visit their site at VoteMyFundy! There you can see how many other Canadian celebrities are supporting them and contribute to to their cause.
And if you know how they did this so many hundreds of years ago please do let me know.
As always, thanks for reading and today, thanks for wondering,
Sarah Butland