Mar 132011

This novel was an unexpected surprise for me. I connected with Beth through Facebook (of all places, I know!) and I am very glad I did… Soon after connecting with her I won a book of hers among books by others.

I was finally able to find the time to face the topic of this book and read it as well as thoroughly enjoy it. It’s target is young adults, specifically helping those who have been through a terrible past, and I was nervous about reading a topic I never really “enjoyed”.

This may be seen as a spoiler but I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Ashley Aher and all of her troubles. Beth Fehlbaum, unfortunately, used her own experience in being sexually abused to shed light on the courage it takes to, not necessarily overcome, but to be more than a victim.

I found Courage in Patience to be a quick read because of it’s suspense and the characters were so real to me that I needed to know how they each made out.  It takes the reader from the very beginning to a brand new by having you see the world through the victim’s eyes; dealing with discovering what is happening to her isn’t right, telling her mother and facing the reality of her life’s possibilities.

This book is a must read in my opinion. For anyone who’s been there, has known someone who has gone through it or has ever been a child dealing with something challenging and difficult. And if you haven’t knowingly dealt with this you can be assured it still is happening and read this book to better prepare yourself for the cruel possibilities of a group seen as a family.

Visit Beth’s site to find out more about her and her books.

Thanks for reading,

Sarah Butland

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