Jul 312024

Lately I have had many conversations about the value of an authors presence at a book fair, and the importance of hosting a book fair at all. There are many sides to these questions, and while no answer is more than the next, I thought I would share my thoughts.

If my schedule allows, I will almost always attend a book fair as an author. As a primarily indie author, getting books into stores is not as easy as it should be, even for the indie stores. Instead, my closet is filled with copies of my books because of a consignment agreement running out, the lack of shelf space for “older” and indie published books and, my own fault for this one – I don’t do the leg work involved in getting stores to carry my book (with some exceptions, of course). Book fairs then allow the opportunity to, well, be in a place where readers will see your book and potentially buy the book, clearing out my overflowing closet one book at a time.

And even if I just sell one book, that’s fantastic because I have a new reader who may have connections I don’t yet know about. This one reader, I trust, will take the time to leave a positive review somewhere and tell his or her friends about it which may create more sales and buzz about that one book I took a day to sell.

If, and this is a big if, I don’t sell any, I’m still OK. I have learned from the other authors, the host of the event and networked with the most wonderful and understanding people I will forever be connected to. These other authors, even if they differ in genres, are my people. They are learning, growing and connecting, too. Yes, it can be exhausting for creatives to stand around and wait for that potential sale, and I think I’m not alone when I say I curl up when I get home to recover, but the energy is like a carnival of interesting and intriguing exciting oddities that are just like me!

The thing about me is… I will almost always say yes when it has to do with writing, networking with other passionate writers and have the opportunity to meet new writing coach clients and learn. Writing and learning are two major passions of mine and book fairs feed that need. Trying to sell books by myself is boring and daunting, being in a room with many others who are nervous about the same thing while putting their heart on a eight foot table in hopes that someone sees them helps.

Which then makes me wonder… if you are a reader, what prevents you from going to a book fair? How do you like to be approached when you do go? Are you eager to wander and make a list, or do you want to have that conversation with the person behind the table before making a decision? Let me know what gets you out to meet an author!

Thanks for reading,

Sarah Butland

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