Hilarious and comical, a showcase of the bizarre and how many characters can tell a great story.
Though it needs a bit more editing, Almost, Texas was a great read once I committed to it. From big ears and humongous noses, the story of Charmer Lewis and his adventures takes the reader on the ride of a lifetime. Certainly not the story I was expecting, complete with former Harvard student turned hitch hiker, James Bailey knows how to spin a tale of imaginary proportions.
With the many characters including Bozo and Leroy, Sunny, Lydia, Sheriff Hogg and Big Honey, the hero of this tale will surprise you as they all find their way to Roswell, New Mexico to meet an even more bizarre conclusion.
Bailey mastered the ability to introduce us to many characters and have me curious and caring about each one, even the elusive Wil Rogers who wound through this book without showing his face.
A definite read for anyone looking for a good chuckle.
Thanks for reading,
Sarah Butland
author of Sending You Sammy, Brain Tales – Volume One
and Arm Farm
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