I found it more difficult to get into this book than any of the other Spindler books I’ve read but it redeemed itself.
Although I understand the devastation of what was and still is Hurricane Katrina, especially for those directly involved with it and can appreciate the closeness of Erica Spindler to this story, I just found it too detailed for my liking. I always love her novels for the character development and how closely connected I feel to each and that just took longer to do than usual.
Last Known Victim is a sort of behind-the-flooding look at the victims, following real people through their everyday pressures of work, rebuilding and relationships.
While the hurricane was in its early stages, Captain Patti discovered her husbands body; killed by a person rather than the storm. Years later she still didn’t know who could destroy her life so but she had to focus as they found other victims of murders. All with a missing hand.
Deemed The Handyman, it seemed this serial killer took a vacation after Katrina hit but started back at it years later.
I still recommend this novel to anyone who loves a good mystery as finding out whodunit in the Last Known Victim proved impossible for me.
Thanks for reading,
Sarah Butland author of Sending You Sammy, Brain Tales – Volume One
and Arm Farm