Apr 302010

Never a fan of history I had a difficult time comparing this book to “Stephen King” as critics did. Slade’s story of long ago wars, artifacts and ancestors just didn’t appeal to me and then I got to a story about a single mother losing her husband to a horrific death. This captured my attention and I read on.

Feeling this book would simplify and remain in the present more than going back to days long ago it was unfortunate for me that it didn’t. With complications, four story lines and having no interest in the basis of this tale I really found this book a waste of time for me.

I have passed this along with the warning that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would but everyone enjoys something different and I’m trying not to persuade anyone to avoid a book on the basis of my discontent with it.

Let me know what you think, I’d be interested to hear how else it’s received.

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Thank you for reading,

Sarah Butland

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