Sep 142024

This collection of short fictions is hard truths wrapped in creative genius. I loved the characters, the plots, the different way of getting to the point and introducing us to the setting – an obscure office building with a mix of strange professional workers. Like the building, the introspective messages were subtle enough that a fast reader would have walked right by the open door.

A brilliant collection of innovative stories wrapped nicely in a beautiful package. I love everything from the writing style, format, the creative journey and the unique way the stories were weaved together.

With stories like “The Dreams Broker,” “The Wordist,” and “The Holy Ghostwriter,” while reading it each story gave me an ah-ha moment and – this person would LOVE this collection declaration. While each story is completely different, the common theme is mentioned in an excellent way which solidifies the passion of the author.

Inquire Within really is an introspective look at writing, fiction and the readers faith. In well-paced stories of relatable characters there are messages of hope, guidance and profound thought-provoking advice that was so wonderfully done it didn’t feel intrusive when I was being called out.

My first read of Jan Fancy Hull’s, it definitely will not be my last. She is a wonderful comedic story teller with a fondness for mystery, wisdom and ‘perspectables’.

I highly recommend reading this book if you have any desire for a wonderfully written cast of characters and unique formats of storytelling.

A tiny book with a big impact that we all deserve to contemplate.

Thanks for reading,

Sarah Butland

  One Response to “Inquire Within with Jan Fancy Hull”

  1. Wow, Sarah, thank you so much for this review! I love the stories in this little collection, and sincerely appreciate that you “get” them, too!

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