We All Will Be Received by Leslie Vryenhoek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I had no idea what to expect but, as cliche as it was, was hooked immediately.
The characters were real, the setting of Newfoundland was brought to life and the story, while hopefully extreme in some cases, was overall very sweet, comforting and hopeful.
A story that started in the past and left it there while it jumped to the future, We Will All Be Received hit all the emotions in me as it took me through a tale of a woman escaping a horrible situation and running for her life.
Learning to trust after a hard past is a challenge for anyone, and learning to love is a whole other level of complications and how one person muddles through it all can help many.
Difficult situations written to make it easy to read and finish quickly!
I will definitely be checking out other books by this author.