Kelly is on tour with her newest book which is new to her in very many ways. Kelly Moran typically writes romance and features Man Candy on her site but this story takes on a more serious note and a lot of research. For more insight on this book please see my review of You Never Have to Remember the Truth or just buy the book!
How has writing You Never Have to Remember the Truth compared to writing romance?
Very, very different. With romance, if I don’t like the direction, or if something’s not working, I can change it. And where research and reality is needed in romance, there are no limits. With writing a memoir, you need to stick to that person’s story and the facts surrounding what happened. A ton of research was needed for this book.
When you began your writing career did you ever imagine you’d be approached by a criminal to write their story? How did being selected make you feel?
LOL. I guess I just don’t view him as a criminal. But to answer your question, no. I knew from my teenage years I wanted to write romance. To be honest, had this been anyone else, I wouldn’t have done it. I think he chose me because of a mutual friend he trusted, and because I write romance. He did what he did for love, after all. It was an honor working with Dominic
This story isn’t even officially published yet and you’re getting rave reviews. What’s your secret?
Hm. Bribes? LOL. Seriously, I think the case is interesting and that draws people. This is one of those cases I think will never go away. I think the positive feedback so far is because the book is told in a conversational tone–like he’s sitting right there telling his story. It makes for a strong connection. I tried to get as much exposure as I could to reviewers presale.
While interviewing Dominic did you have any questions for him he refused to answer? Did you swallow back any of the questions you personally wanted answers to in order to keep the book flowing?
No and no. I told Dominic from the start how hard this would be on him, and I needed honest answers, no matter how gritty or unfavorable. I asked everything I needed to know, and he answered.
I know when I started reading this, (unfamiliar with the case), and seeing Dominic plead or imply Lawrencia Bembenek’s innocence, I was skeptical based on Dominic helping her escape and becoming a fugitive for so long. Was that the impression you wanted the reader to have? Did you go in with any assumptions of the truth?
I went in with no assumptions other than he was involved. Dominic believing in Lawrencia’s innocence was not a fable told to readers to justify his actions. If nothing else, Dominic is honorable. He owns up to his mistakes. I believe most everything he said, and I believe he believes it.
Was there, at any point after you decided to write this story, a time you wanted out for reasons pertaining to the truth Dominic told?
No, not out. At one point I may have been worried about lawsuits, but to be honest, this is a memoir, told from his point of view, and it should be taken in that manner. We put up notices in the book and clearly marked what was rumor versus what could be proven as true–especially about the murder.
Romance was still an underlying theme in this. Do you feel your history of writing romance and your love of it helped you highlight the love/ hate relationship so evident in these “characters”?
Oh yeah, and again, I think that’s why he chose me. Love/hate is so accurate too. He did what he did for love, and the only way the reader will connect with that was to show them how it started, how he felt, and why.
Was it difficult having characters already in existence when you were telling this story?
Yes and no. Their physical descriptions were set, their personalities set. I just had to interpret them. That was the hard part. I’d go to write a scene, and had to triple think what they would have done and what they did do.
How do you think this will help improve your writing fiction overall?
To be honest, these are so separate in my head, I’m not sure. I think, in a way, it really helped me understand the male psyche, and that we all have the potential to do something out of character if blinded by love.
If Dominic was a character in one of your fictional novels do you think you’d make him any different? And Lawrencia?
If I were to write this book as fiction, things would have gone a lot differently. I’m trained to write “happily ever afters.” Aside from the beauty of her youth, Lawrencia did not have the characteristics of a good heroine. Her public facade was very different from her private one. People defend her to this day I think because of the railroaded conviction and injustice, not because they liked her. Dominic, on the other hand, is one of those what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of guys, making him likeable. He has a great sense of humor and is a people person. His actions are ruled by his feelings. In saying that, that’s also his weakness and what got him into trouble. Funny thing about this whole scenario, though he regrets a lot of things, he doesn’t take them back. That says something about his character, and definitely has the foundation for a hero.
Do you want to know if Christine Schultz’s children read this book and what they think of it?
Ooh. Good question. Tough one. I suppose I would, yes. Christine’s murder set about a chain-reaction which still has ripples to this day. Dominic and I agree that the most tragic thing in all this is that those boys were not only there when it happened, but that they had to live without their mother. At the time of trial, they were adamant it was not Lawrencia who did this. But they were young, and I often wonder if their views and memories have changed through the years based off what their father told them. I hope they find their own truth someday, and that they know this was not their fault.
Thank you very much for answering these questions, Kelly. I wish you all the best with whatever writing paths you chose and may your family continue to support you in all of your awesome creative endeavours.
And thank you for reading,
Sarah Butland
author of Sending You Sammy, Brain Tales – Volume One
and Arm Farm
Thanks so much for having me, Sarah! XO
As always, the pleasure is all mine.
Me! Pick me. I’m so proud and excited for you doing this challenging project, Kelly. I really admire you taking this on!
Wow, Ladies, very intriguing interview. I don’t know the story, but I have to read this now. High fives, Kelly, for stepping out of your box to tackle something so intense and different. You’re my hero.
Aw, thanks Mac and Calisa! You guys rock! XO
Wow! I’m speechless. What an amazing interview and intriguing book.
Thanks, Dawn!
I agree with your other commenters, Kelly. I also don’t know the story, but Sarah’s questions and your answers make for riveting reading. Definitely the kind of interview that puts You Never Have to Remember the Truth in my “Have to buy and read” collection.
Thanks, Darcy!
FYI- anyone who wants the scoop, visit the Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/thetruthiscoming, or see my site at http://www.authorkellymoran.com
This must have been an interesting break in what your usual routine is like. I’ll bet you’ve become a better writer by expanding your horizons–if that was possible!! Wishing for many sales!
Thanks, Lyndi. I do feel like this helped my writing immensely. Not only with research, but a broad specrum.
Great interview! Can’t wait to read the book!
Thanks, Sophie! You are awesome! XO