Apr 132012

What do arts, entertainment, culture and Moncton have in common? Q, of course!

Jian Ghomeshi graced us with his presence at the Capitol and I was fortunate enough to be in attendance, all because of a jingle.

During the live radio show, and after, I discovered that Q’s host is much more than a smooth voice and presenter of intelligent questions. He’s a improve master, who is prompt, courteous and humourous. Not to mentioned terrified of the bubble man an audience member created for him (first the odd/ rude Howie Mandel audience member, now balloon voodoo – hopefully we will continue to get visitors despite this odd show of affection.

Although I wasn’t able to stay for the meet and greet I was already so very impressed with Jian’s ability to maintain professionalism throughout his interviews and talks without lacking comedy. A stellar showman on stage as well as behind the scenes, this man seems to be a grand example of overcoming obstacles and, despite some uncooperative interviews in the past, Jian rises above to increase his following no matter where he goes.

The audience was filled with so many (sold out) admirers from all different walks of life and each walked away talking about how great of show it was.

I agree. And next time he’s close by my plan is to meet him and be interviewed by him for being a local author paving the way for so many writers like me.

Thanks for reading and listening,

Sarah Butland

Jingle that got me there!


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