BananaBoy is making a difference in Canada and you can help! I have recently created a petition for you to sign in support of bringing more healthy foods to our schools, just like Jamie is doing for the school’s in the United States.
The support for Jamie Oliver’s newest petition to remove flavoured milks from the schools in the United States has been tremendous but he still doesn’t stop his effort with getting more signatures. Only I’m not able to sign it because I’m in Canada. A lot of people have been publicly voicing this same concern and even though we’re not in the USA and our children do not attend their schools we are showing that our support goes beyond our countries borders.
But let’s show our own government how we feel about sending our children to eat foods that are making them unhealthy and eventually obese.
Adventures of Sammy and BananaBoy are all about supporting a healthy today just as Jamie Oliver is.
So come on over to sign my petition today and share it with friends and family. I hope to forward this to my local premier at the end of May 2011 depending on the amount of signatures collected. This is the information on the petition:
Background (Preamble):
Jamie Oliver is known for causing havoc and change in England and American schools, Canada deserves a change, too.Although I’m not as much a public figure as Oliver I am a Canadian with a young child who may eventually attend public school. Although schools have come a long way already there’s much more to be done and I know a lot of Canadians want to make a difference now.
I am also a fan of white milk, fruits, vegetables and meat.
I’m an even bigger fan of raising a healthy child and next generation.
We, the undersigned, call on Canada to make a difference in the health of our communities by encouraging students to eat healthier foods and live more active lives.To have only white milk on menu’s versus flavoured milks. To have fresh fruit instead of cookies.
To offer cooked vegetables instead of greasy meals.
To offer meals that follow Canada’s own Food Guide.
And to add more lesson’s on cooking your own meals the healthy way as well as more time for physical activity.
I was the first signature, will you be the second?
Thanks for reading,
Sarah Butland