Mar 252010

There’s a huge difference between belief and knowledge and I’ve almost always used the terms belief, believe, believing etc where I should have been declaring my confident knowledge. Someone recently pointed this out to me and I was shocked at my indifference to the term due to the fact that I trusted in my heart that I intended to use knowledge instead.

I believe I am an intelligent woman, especially outside of the normal education system. When I’m not playing with my son, being with my husband or writing I’m reading. Normally I do read fiction but that’s because I am learning how to write it. Once in a while I stray from this and am so thankful I do. I’ve read The Intention Experiment and am now using the power of positive intention to complete my daily routine. I’ve also used this to attract those who know about and trust in the power of intention and am continually inspired by those I meet.

I’ve read The Science of Success and now question everything that happens in my life and, in doing so, can take a step back and see what good has come out of every situation.

Not only am I making a daily effort to spread the word of this magnificent outlook to and connect with people to make this journey of education have an even greater effect on me I’m passing it on to my 4 month old son.

Each and every moment I spend with him I’m thinking about how great he is, how successful he’ll be because he has all the support and resources around him. Even though he’s only 4 months his brain is working harder than anything I’m aware of and now is the time to influence him in the most positive way I know how.

Surrounding him with love, books, knowledge and encouragement I’m creating a world of proof so this little guy can see the immediate effects of knowing you’re attracting what you want and need. Take this post, for example. I’ve already attracted you somehow to read this post. I’ve attracted over 700 votes for my son to win a contest and will continue to attract all the votes necessary to take the lead and maintain it until April 15, 2010 when the votes are reset and the contest begins again.

To be a part of this all you need to do is vote at Baby Stages and attract your friends to do the same.

I appreciate you reading this and know you’ll be a part of passing on the law of attraction to my son.

Sending health, happiness and wealth your way through positive intentions,

Sarah Butland

  3 Responses to “You Are the Reason I Know It Will Happen”

  1. Good read, all the best with your little fellow and I can Feel in your writing that you will be a committed mother along with his DAD as well. He will be reading before he is one. HA HA

  2. This is a great blog post, that just as you said Sarah, there is a reason I am here reading this. The power of the universe & our own thoughts can in fact deliver anything we choose and want to manifest.
    My children have all reached adult hood and I now have the opportunity to play with my grandchildren. You are doing a great thing with your son at this stage, and continue along your current thoughts for him.
    Far too many parents these day’s are that busy creating an income that children, miss out on the vitally important things they need from their parents. I could write a book on this & maybe I will as I venture along teaching the importance of an open mind. Yet today Sarah I just want to congratulate you for your outlook on life and a beautifully written blog post. 1 vote coming up!

    Hey…..Life Is Good…..

  3. Hello again Sarah,

    I fell in love with william’s photo, and I sure hope you do not mind.
    I cast 2 votes for him and put his photo on the DIGG site for voting as well. Every one must have fell in love with the photo, as last time I looked it has 200 digg votes`. This may even help him get more baby show votes.

    here is the direct link to his pic, on DIGG………

    Allen Sentance Fisherman

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