A book I picked up only because a friend recommended it which was the only reason I continued through the first 150 or so pages. Fortunately, I knew my friend wouldn’t let me down and I read on resulting in my being won over by Elizabeth Hay.
A tale of employees working at a radio station in the Canadian Territories I found the introduction of each character to be tiring and difficult to get through but ended up being a vital part of the novel. Normally, with so many books on the market, I no longer trudge through stories I don’t connect with immediately but <u>Late Nights on Air</u> was one I happily forced myself to read until the end.
We meet the much loved Dido who every man who meets her falls in love with, Eddy who Dido decides to be with, Gwen who struggles to enjoy life, Harry who falls in love with two woman at once but doesn’t realize it, Ralph who is an avid reader and Eleanor who touches everyone’s lives. There are other minor yet colourful characters mixed in which make this tale a Canadian masterpiece.
Thankful the author quite nicely pieced the story together the conclusion to this, the message it spoke to me will be long-lasting and heartbreaking while heartmending all at once. Definitely a recommendation to a lot of my friends but with the strong suggestion they keep at it.
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Thanks for reading,
Sarah Butland