Sep 162024

As I love using my tools to help others, I’m handing over my blog and a special edition of my newsletter to have her tell you about her connection to Doctor Who, BBC and her love for Gothic. Read on to see why she wrote the third book first, how to support her and more! Without further ado, say hello to Margarita Felices (and be sure to sign up for the newsletter to come out on the 18th!).

I live in Cardiff, Wales. It’s home to castles, mountains, Jurassic coastlines, rugby, Doctor Who and Torchwood and I used to work for a well-known TV broadcasting company.

I love living in Cardiff because even after all of its modernisations, there are still the remnants of an old Victorian (and older) city.

When I can, I go out to the coast and take photographs. We have a lovely castle in the centre of Cardiff and a fairytale one just on the outskirts, so when I feel I can’t write anything, I take a ramble to those locations, and it clears my head. I’ve also bought a place in West Wales 5 minutes from the beach, so I go there to recharge and to write and to walk and breath.

I have a TV production background. I used to be a professional photographer and decided to move into the TV world. I started off working on our local news programmes and then moved on to Arts, Factual, Drama, back to Factual, back to Drama (Torchwood, Dr Who and a few regional shows) – a fascinating journey!

I finished my working life at the BBC with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, who produced some of the music for well-known TV shows, Doctor Who for example! I learnt so much from working there about Marketing and Promotions and has been an absolute blessing when looking for ways to promote my work. Then back in 2021 I was given the option to take early retirement, so I grabbed it!

I suppose it was inevitable that someday I would begin to write novels. 

My teachers at school used to limit me to no more than ten pages. I was a reporter on the school magazine and later became its Editor. When I left school, I paid my way through college by writing short stories for magazines. I later moved on to scriptwriting and came third in a BBC writing competition (long before I ended up working for them).

I am Gothic; I love their fashion, the architecture and the music. The club in my novel Judgement of Souls 3 (although closed now) was real. While writing it I got all of my club material and clientele ideas from there. I wouldn’t have finished that section without it or them.

My first full length novel, Judgement of Souls 3: Kiss at Dawn was the first story written. I realised before it was finished that there was a great back story that had to be told, and the trilogy was born.

But I’d started at the end!

So, after JOS3 was published I began to write Judgement of Souls 2: Call of the Righteous that concentrated on a 300-year history of my vampires and their search for the missing Book of Cain and it also introduced The Righteous, a secret organisation started by the Church to find and kill all supernatural and paranormal beings.

Of course, there always has to be a start to a story and Judgement of Souls: Origin, was created and proved to be the hardest book to write. It involved a lot of Crusader history but I’m not a stranger to research. JOS2 involved over 300 years of mortal history including the French Revolution – did you know that a vampire started it?

I’ve also visited most of the locations that I use in JOS2 and JOS3, so I could have first-hand knowledge of every street, every corner or building that I place my characters in. It’s been extremely fascinating.

For JOS3 I visited one of the main synagogues in London to talk about the Hebrew Bible that I use ‘loosely’ in the trilogy, and it’s worked out really well.

I’ve written a few short stories too that I am very proud of… they have been such fun to write. The Decoys for example is about two women who are duped by two very handsome thieves to take a very valuable necklace out of the country – but in this story, just who was fooling who?

And of course, I have to mention Ordinary Wins that’s had some great reviews on Amazon. It’s about how ordinary women can win and find their dream – which in this case just happens to be a famous drummer in a rock band.

What can I say about the latest full-length novel, Maddie Stone Reveals All though? Well let’s just say that a lot of the scenarios written in that book are based on ACTUAL events. Of course, the names are disguised…. you know… because they are real shocking eye openers of someone who might just be in your favourite band!

You can check out my whole back catalogue from here.

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Thanks so much for taking over, Margarita Felices and to you, for joining us, dear reader. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for an indepth Q&A with her for more!

If you are an author who wants to take over, please reach out – let’s talk!

Sarah Butland

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