Did you know that positive events are happening in your neighbourhood every day? I’m sure you’ve heard about most or all of the robberies, deaths and controversy involved with local politicians, citizens and the like but so little positivity gets the spotlight that it’s hard to remember good is happening.
So much effort is put into headlining what might sell a paper, have readers gasp and wonder what’s wrong with the world but it should be balanced equally or celebrated even more with the awesomeness that goes on so it can go one more. Feelings are contagious – ever smile at someone walking down the street and have them smile back, said thank you for someone doing something they always do or is expected of them, or giving someone a gift just because? Likewise, have you scowled at someone, blamed someone for a mistake someone else mistake made just because the original person wasn’t around to hear it?
What happens to your day with either scenario? The first it gets better, right? And the second your left stewing in misery that trails you all day.
Wake up and see the smiles. Read about the good so many people are doing and feel the need to contribute. Spend a day rejoicing that seemed to wake you on the wrong side of the bed as they say just because you woke up, in a bed that was warm and comfortable. To a person or a pet or a location that you love.
Ignore the headlines that make you cringe in despair and make your own happy beginning, middle and end.
It’s your story, celebrate it.
Thanks for reading and creating,
Sarah Butland
author of Sending You Sammy, Brain Tales – Volume One
and Arm Farm
This makes me think of the Carole King song, “You have to get up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world all the love in your heart. Then people gonna treat you better, you’re gonna find, yes you will, that you’re beautiful as you feel.” 🙂