You Have An IPad! Do You Still Have the Box?

Riches come to us in all different shapes and sizes. We’ve all been told the stories of when we enjoyed the simpler things in life, the least expensive items amused us more than the things that cost our parents a small fortune. Some of us even remember those days when the letters to Santa were […]

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

This book is an absolute must read. From the very beginning it’s motivational, inspiring and direct. The only difficulty I found was to continue reading it instead of putting it down to put forth effort by following it’s instructions. Napolean Hill was given a task by Andrew Carnegie – interview many rich people and write […]

When I’m on Oprah Will You be Watching?

Oprah had a dream and it came true. She dreamed of being an actress, she knew she’d be an actress, she gave all she had and did all she could until she became an actress and now she’s making our dreams come true. I have a dream and it’s coming true. When I published Sending […]

My Book Review of 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult

Brilliant! In the wake of the many horrific school shootings this novel has a way of making you look at these tragic events in many different ways. Poor Peter, the boy who finally put an end to the teasing, bullying, ridicule and constant put downs by the jocks and yet poor everyone else who’s lives […]